Department - Art & Graphics

Staff list

  • Mrs N Nilsson - Learning Leader Art and Graphics
  • Miss N Pascucci – Teacher of Art and Graphics
  • Mrs E Linford-Relph – Teacher of Art and Graphics
  • Mr M Langley – Technician Art


In Art and Design, we strive to promote the importance of Visual Literacy and endeavour to develop a set of skills that enable students to interpret, examine, and communicate within the Art and Design and wider curriculum. We aim to make the Arts accessible, inclusive and meaningful through cultivating curiosity and inquisitive minds. Encouraging awareness of social, historical, and environmental developments relating to the arts is fundamental to the cultural well-being of our students and their understanding of the world they live in. John Ruskin thought that drawing could teach us to see: to notice rather than merely to look, consequently a strong emphasis on drawing is embedded throughout the curriculum and there is a strong drive to foster the love of drawing. We believe creating independence and resilience, through the appreciation of embracing mistakes, encourages our students to become innovative, resourceful and creative adults.


We offer arrange of subjects within the Arts: such as Photography, Art and Design and Graphic communication.  We aim to encourage and nurture an interest in the arts. We aim to develop over time a number of areas:

  • To be able to creatively express ideas and experiences
  • To be able to analyse and select appropriately the work of different artists and from different cultures and make connections to their work.
  • To be able to experiment with a range of media (both traditional and new), techniques and processes relevant to intentions.
  • To be able to use drawing for purpose.
  • To be able to organise and develop ideas relevant to given theme and own intentions.
  • To be able to produce skilful final outcomes.


To ensure high standards of teaching and learning in art and design, we implement a curriculum that is planned to develop the key skills, knowledge and techniques to make the necessary progress towards and in KS4 and KS5.

In KS3 Art and design is taught as part of a termly topic, focusing on knowledge and skills stated in the National Curriculum. At KS4 we offer specialities in Art and Design, Photography and Graphic Communication.  At KS5 we offer specialities in Fine art and Photography.

Across KS3 SOW are intended to develop students in a number of ways so they may make a smooth transition to KS4. The curriculum allows for key skills, knowledge and techniques to be revisited over the three years in a variety of ways, to build upon what has been learnt and to ensure this is embedded as far as possible for all students.

Adapted learning strategies and tailored resources promote progress for all individuals based on their starting point. At KS4 students are provided with adapted mock exam papers to better suit each individual. Much of the assessment at KS3 is based around the KS4 Assessment Objectives, particularly for Year 9, and SOW are designed to meet these criteria.

Educational visits to galleries and museums, are done to enrich their coursework and provide the opportunity to work from first hand observations


In Art and Design, we believe the curriculum will have a positive impact on the development of every student. At KS3 the majority of students show steady sustained improvement from Year 7 to Year 9 towards their targets. They make the progress we would expect as it is necessary for their Art education to start from the beginning due to their varying previous experiences. The impact of our curriculum can be measured through quality, well-conceived outcomes. Students will be able to develop an appreciation of Art and Design in contemporary society.

Evidence of knowledge and skills throughout the courses will be visible in sketchbooks, portfolios and displays.