Admissions Information

Admissions Information 2024

For September 2024 admissions into Secondary School.

Cox Green School Trustees and staff are delighted to welcome new families and to renew acquaintances with those who have older children in the school. We hope that this will be the start of a long and fruitful partnership, and that our new students will be successful and happy during their time with us. Please click here to download Guide for parents and new starters 24-25

We would like to extend a warm welcome to families who are applying for their children to join us in September 2024. We hope that you will find the following information and key dates useful:

8th September 2023

Opening date for secondary school applications. Applications must be made through your own Local Authority. 

14th September 2023   

Cox Green School Open Evening (5pm-8pm) 

28th September 2023   

Open morning 9:00am

10th October 2023

Open morning 9:00am

16th October 2023

Open morning strictly by appointment

31st October 2023

Deadline to submit on time applications (Including Supplementary Information Forms (SIFs) and social and medical applications)

1st March 2024

National offer day.

15th March 2024

Deadline to respond to School Place Offer

15th March 2024

Deadline to submit late application

To be considered in the second round of allocations commencing 04 April 2023. Applications received after this date will be processed after the second round of applications is complete.

25th March 2024

Deadline to Submit Appeals to be Heard in First Round

These dates are for appeals heard by RBWM Services.

4th April 2024

Second Round of Allocations

Further offers will be made from the waiting list as places become available for all applicants.

2nd July 2024

Year 6 into Year 7 Transition Day for students with allocated and confirmed spaces

3rd July 2024

Year 6 into Year 7 Transition Day for students with allocated and confirmed spaces

3rd July 2024

Induction Evening for new Year 7 parents

3rd September 2024

Start of Term 1 for new Year 7 students


Click here for our 2024 Guide for new Year 7 Parents


Admissions Policy: 

Click Here for Admissions Policy September 2023- August 2024

Click Here for Admissions Policy September 2024- August 2025

Click Here for Admissions Policy September 2025- August 2026

The deadline for lodging appeals for main round of summer appeals for September 2024 entry is Monday 25th March 2024 at 5 pm (subject to the announcement of the 2024 national offer days)

Waiting list positions are subject to change. Parents should be aware that if an application is received for a child who has a higher priority under the school’s admissions criteria, it can affect your child’s position on the waiting list.

If you have any queries please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In Year Transfers

You can apply for an in-year transfer if you would like your child to change schools or join a school outside the normal application round.  This normally applies if:

  • You have moved into the area and do not currently have a school place for your child;
  • You have moved within the area and want to transfer your child to a closer school;
  • You have recently moved to the UK from abroad;
  • You wish to transfer your child from their current school to another school for any other reason;

Applications must be made directly with the school - Click here to download the application form


(Information correct at time of publishing, 1 March 2024)


Admission Criterion                                    

   Number of places offered       


Children in Care



Social and Medical



Designated Area



Non-Designated Area & Sibling



Non Designated Area & Priority Linked School



Children of Staff



All others


No of places available


Total number of preferences received


Number of places offered


Vacancies at National Offer Day


Furthest distance admitted under lowest criterion            

   5.771 miles