Maths Department Home Learning

Either 1 long or 2 short tasks/pieces of Homework to be set every week. Time needed to complete the HW can vary depending on the topic and will vary from 15 minutes for a short task to about between 45 to 60 minutes for a long task.

Assessment of Homework: Self-marking, Peer-marking and Teacher assessment. The teachers will go through some of the questions set for Homework by modelling the solutions on the board. Students will have the opportunity to contribute to answers and solutions in lessons. The details of the set Homework will be posted on Edulink.

The set Homework can be found on student intranet, resources drive, Mathematics Homework folder. Teachers could set Homework which is not in the resource drive. These will be attached as files on Edulink or be given to students as worksheets. Teachers will also set Homework on MyMaths Platform. All students will be provided with access once the names have been migrated to the platform.


For each subject & year group the regularity of homework (i.e. 1 piece every 2 weeks), Nature of tasks set (i.e. extended written question), Expectation of time spent per task, How the task will be set (I.e. Edulink) & How students will receive feedback.

The following link will have a much more detailed topic list and further break down of the curriculum. (Please go to the 3-year scheme)

Websites that might prove useful