Students should wear the “new style” PE uniform below, unless they have been passed down or have purchased the “old style” kit.
Please ensure that all items are clearly labelled with the student’s name.
Mandatory Items
- Black and green polo shirt with school logo
- Black and white mid layer track top with school logo.
- Plain black shorts or plain black skort.
- White ankle/sports socks or black ankle socks.
- Sports trainers.
- Hairband for shoulder length or longer hair
PE Optional Items
- Plain black tracksuit bottoms or black tracksuit bottoms with school logo
- Plain black football/hockey socks
- Football boots (moulded studs only)
- Gum shield for contact sports
- Shin pads
The Following Items Are Not Permitted
- Hoodies
- Tracksuit bottoms with a pattern or big logos.
- Jewellery, watches, earrings.
- Students with newly pierced ears will not be able to take part until the earrings can be removed. We do not allow students to cover earrings with tape.
These are the expectations that the PE department have and the reasons for them:
- Students are required to bring their PE kit to every lesson regardless of illness or injury.
- If your child is suffering from illness or injury, then a note will be required to explain its nature. As professionals, the staff in the PE department know what activity is planned and therefore can make judgements on whether it is necessary for your child to be excused from the lesson. We often find that by modifying the activity, those with illnesses or injuries are still able to learn and participate in some form. Any illness or injury lasting more than two weeks will require a note from either the doctor or hospital.
- Students who are injured or suffering from illness will still be expected to get changed into their PE kit for the lesson unless the injury or illness prevents them or would be made worse by doing so. The reasons for this are:
- Depending on the activity your child may still be able to participate in some aspect of the lesson as explained above.
- Your child must stay with their teaching group at all times. That may mean that your child is expected to go on to the field in times of bad weather. This results in them getting their school clothes wet, which they then have to sit around in for the rest of the day, often making their illness worse. By changing into their PE kit on such days, your child will have clean and dry clothes to wear for the rest of the day, helping their recovery rate from the illness.
- No aerosols are allowed in the PE changing rooms.
The wearing of any jewellery (including any hidden body piercing) is not permitted on safety grounds during physical education lessons and other sporting activities. These items represent a potential hazard not only to the wearer but also to other children. Medical advice confirms that any jewellery worn in physical education lessons is an unnecessary risk. Serious accidents have occurred damaging the ear of the wearer and to others.
All National Sporting Bodies have also banned the practice of taping up jewellery. Pupils are encouraged to leave items of jewellery and earrings at home on days when they have physical education lessons. Newly pierced ears can take a period of three to six weeks before sleepers and studs can be removed. If your son/daughter is considering piercings please do this at the start of the summer holidays to allow sufficient time for earrings to be safely removed. We ask parents to actively work with us in helping to minimise disruption to the physical education curriculum by ensuring that school guidance on jewellery is adhered to and that ears are pierced at the start of the summer holidays to allow maximum healing time.