Science Department Home Learning

Students in KS3 and KS4 will be set home learning tasks on a weekly basis using the online learning package Century Tech CENTURY | Online Learning | English, Maths and Science.

These tasks will take the form of either:

  • Diagnostics at the start or end of a topic to assess gaps in students’ knowledge.
  • Micro-lessons, called nuggets, that contain material covering one particular skill or knowledge.
  • Questions to assess knowledge and understanding, which are instantly marked to give immediate feedback to students.

Work set should take between 30-60 minutes to complete and will be monitored by teachers to allow missed gaps in students understanding and misconceptions to be addressed in a timely manner.

If students finish their home learning tasks early, they are advised to use BBC Bitesize, the course revision guide or kerboodle to review/summarise their learning as they progress through the course.

For KS5 students, home learning will be set by class teachers and will take the form of either:

  • Questions to assess understanding.
  • Research
  • Reading in preparation for the introduction of a new topic.
  • Quizzes (through kerboodle, SENECA or Century Tech)
  • Watching videos and making notes (flipped learning)
  • Design tasks
  • Revision activities

It is advised that additional time is spent by students annotating lesson notes and referencing the course textbook to aid understanding and knowledge retrieval.