George Holder


Name: George Holder

Type of Trustee: Ordinary Trustee

Date first appointed: May 2023.

Background:  I am an experienced project and change manager with experience working in the public and charity sectors; and in 2021 also completed a 'Senior Leaders MBA' with Leeds Beckett University. I have worked with refugees, in international development, and in various departments of local government. I have sat on Boards within different sectors, and have also more recently worked with our headteachers and senior leadership teams in Nigeria and Zambia on developing the operations for primary schools set up by the NGO I had been working for. 

Why I became a Trustee:  A previous manager inspired me several years ago with the benefits he found in his role as a governor: in supporting and shaping the school community, as well as in applying (and further developing) skills gained through work-place experiences. Cox Green is a school that had a hugely positively impact on the lives of close friends who attended and my younger sister who became a deputy head girl and has gone on to become a teacher. The academic and extra-curricular opportunities have had a lifelong impact (and trips to Goslar are remembered very fondly). All of the above shaped my decision to become a Trustee, and the personal connections encouraged me to do so at Cox Green. 

Wendy Esterhuysen

Name: Wendy Esterhuysen 

Type of Trustee: Ordinary TrusteesWendy_Esterhuysen.jpg

Date first appointed: March 2023

Committees/Special responsibility: TBC

Background (employment, experience etc): I am a qualified Social Worker, and play therapist, with over 20 years’ experience in working with children and families in different contexts. I have experience in both front line and managerial roles in the Local Authority, Charity and Private sectors. I bring this experience to the Board of Trustees. 

Why I became a Trustees: 

I have volunteered in the past at charitable events or services as I feel it’s important to give back to the community around you. My daughter recently started at Cox Green and I have been impressed with the staff work ethic and support offered. I would like to offer my time to support Cox Green to go from strength to strength as I offer feedback as a critical friend with a strong focus on vulnerable children within the school community. 

Governance Professional - Lorna Coe

Name: Lorna CoeL.Coe

Type of Trustee: Trustees Professional

Date first appointed: October 2021.

Background:  Lorna is an experienced Trustees Professional and joined Cox Green in November 2021.  She works across two schools within the Local Authority and shares best practice across schools.

If you would like to contact the Board of Trustees then please email the Governance Professional at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Peter Thorn

Name: Peter ThornPeter_Thorn.jpg

Type of Trustee: Chair of Trustees, Ordinary Trustee, Board Member

Date first appointed: November 2011

Committees/Special responsibility: Chair of Finance & Resources Committee, Chair of Audit & Risk Committee, Teaching & Learning Committee, Safeguarding Trustee, Health and Safety Trustee.

Background (employment, experience etc): Majority of professional career within education, teaching and management, most recently and prior to retirement as Principal of a Further Education College. Currently also Trustee of the independent careers advisory and advice service within the Thames Valley for young people and adults and a Trustee of a school providing specialist education and support for young people with learning difficulties.

Why I became a Trustee: Both my daughters were students at Cox Green School. As a Trustee I am able to contribute based upon my experience and knowledge toward the support and development of young people at a key stage in their lives, secondary education. Trustees need to be continuously aware of changes in education direction and standard setting applied within schools in order to be able to guide and support the Leadership team and the collective vision we all hold for the achievement of our students and the experience we are able to give them at Cox Green.




Sam Steele

Name: Sam SteeleSam Steele

Type of Trustee: Staff Trustee (Teacher)

Date first appointed: September 2021

Committees/Special responsibility: Teaching and Learning

Background (employment, experience etc): Prior to being a teacher I worked as a Reservoir Engineer for 20 years in the oil industry.  I absolutely loved my time as an engineer and as a result became a STEM ambassador working with secondary schools to inspire students to take up careers in Science.  In 2016 I re-trained as a secondary school teacher specialising in Physics and have worked at Cox Green since qualifying in 2017.  In 2018 I accepted the position of Deputy Science leader and currently have responsibility for KS3 Science.  I also currently teach Maths at KS3 and Chemistry and Physics to KS5.

Why I became a Trustee: I believe that the student should be at the centre of every lesson and that learning should be dynamic with students enjoying school, achieving their full potential whilst respecting each other, teachers and the environment around us.  I am particularly interested in working with staff, parents and other stakeholders to ensure that the school has a positive and important profile in the local community and that there is a culture at Cox Green that ensures that students and staff feel supported, valued and celebrated.